HubSpot for Startups is committed to telling stories from a diverse group of founders. From the challenges of raising capital in a very homogenous VC community, to overcoming the proverbial glass ceilings, these stories will not only inspire you, but will provide nuggets of wisdom to help you grow your own business.

Black Founder Stories
According to 2022 Crunchbase data, less than 2% of venture capital goes to Black entrepreneurs. Black startup founders face funding and advisory challenges their white counterparts never have to encounter. Here are some stories of Black founders succeeding in a system that typically was not designed with them in mind.
Women Founder Stories
HubSpot for Startups is proud to present our Women Founders Stories Hub. Here you will be able to find quick and easy access to the growing library of stories we're telling about our women partners and customers.
AAPI Founder Stories
In HubSpot for Startups' ongoing series of celebrating diverse founders and investors in the startup community, here is a growing collection of stories about some of these founders, investors, executives, and entrepreneurs from the Asian American and Pacific Islander Community.
LGBTQ+ Founder Stories
Inspiring and informative stories of founders and investors in the LGBTQIA+ community who are breaking barriers, pushing boundaries, and forging paths.